child story



Caroline is 15 years old and has Cri du Chat syndrome

Her favourite colours are purple and pink

Her favourite animals are rabbits

Her favourite toy is a hopping rabbit

She enjoys doing jigsaw puzzles and playing with her pram and dolls

She has no pets of her own, but she is very attached to her respite carer’s dog, Fyn

She laughs when they sing songs with the wrong words and enjoys making up nursery rhymes

Her family are proud of her get up and go attitude, her everyday learning progress and for just being herself

Caroline is still a very sociable girl, who enjoys interacting with people - young and old. There’s a teenager creeping through at times, but she still very much enjoys all younger child things, like TV programmes, Peppa Pig, Dora, Ben and Holly


Caroline is younger in this photo.  This photo was taken during a research study in 2009.  Shared with permission.

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