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Key Fact
Elevated mood has been found in CdC in comparison to other syndrome groups

Mood and Sociability in Cri du Chat Syndrome


Elevated Mood

In 2010, Chris Oliver and colleagues found very high levels of positive mood in a group of individuals with Cri du Chat syndrome when compared to individuals with other rare genetic syndromes.  This elevated mood was found in adults and not children.  You can download the paper that describes this here.

 This finding is consistent with previous research by Kim Cornish who that found that around 7 out of 10 individuals with Cri du Chat syndrome were excessively happy.


Low Mood

Low mood has been found to be associated with health problems. There are many common health problems in Cri du Chat syndrome such as gastroesophageal reflux, respiratory tract infections, otitis media and dental problems.  To read more about health in Cri du Chat syndrome, click here.

Individuals displaying physical aggression in Cri du Chat syndrome have been found to have lower mood scores.



It has been found that a range of sounds such as sudden noises can cause distress to children with Cri du Chat syndrome. These include noises made from aeroplanes, lawn mowers, a balloon bursting and thunder (Cornish et al, 1996).  This is likely to be related to hyperacusis (sensitivity to sound) in Cri du Chat syndrome.

There is little known about the specific abnormalities that cause this hypersensitivity to sound.  Early intervention to reduce distress caused by this hypersensitivity is essential.  An Occupational Therapist can give guidance on intervention strategies.

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