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Key Fact
It is important to seek support and advice when developing a plan to reduce challenging behaviour.

Challenging Behaviour Occurring in other Specific Settings

Some individuals show challenging behaviour in highly specific situations and settings.

Some individuals will show behaviours that challenge that only occurs under very specific circumstances.  These situations might include:

  • Getting in the bath.
  • Hearing a particular song being sung.
  • When being put into a particular chair.
  • When a meal is finished.
  • When having hair brushed.


Each of these situations is highly specific and possibly unique to particular individuals, making it very difficult to provide any general advice for why these behaviours occur in these situations and how they should be managed.

Understanding the underlying reasons why these particular situations trigger challenging behaviour is the most important aspect in being able to manage them.

You may need to seek the help and advice from your local clinical psychology service or behaviour nurse therapist in order to implement these assessments and provide appropriate advice for managing these situations.


NEXT: The mutual reinforcement process

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