In this section you can read various research news articles that have important topics relating to rare genetic disorders.

This section is for any parents or professionals who wish to read up to date information about syndromes and to broaden their knowledge.

The articles are ordered with the newest piece of research first and the articles can also be filtered by syndrome by using the filter.

We hope you find the research articles interesting!

Cornelia De Lange

New findings replicate association between repetitive behaviour and executive function in fragile X and Cornelia de Lange syndromes

Executive function is a term you may be familiar with, but most people have...


Parent Story Workshop

The FIND website would not be what it is today without the input from...

Cornelia De Lange

NEW RESEARCH STUDY Social Development in Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Over the last ten years researchers have learnt a lot about Cornelia de Lange syndrome...


Temper outbursts in Prader-Willi syndrome

  Temper outbursts are commonly described in people with Prader–Willi syndrome (PWS); however they are...


The Launch of FIND

In September 2014, FIND (Further Inform Neurodevelopmental Disorders) goes live.  This is the first time...