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Key Fact
Some behaviours in Angelman syndrome, such as concentration and overactivity improve as the individual gets older.

Changes With Age

A number of changes in health have been noted with age. These include decreases in mobility, curvature of the spine, and more pronounced facial characteristics associated with Angelman syndrome. To read more about health issues click here.


A recent study by Prasad et al. (2018) characterised changes over time in the natural history of Angelman syndrome by reviewing medical records of 53 patients with AS.

Results from this study suggested the prevalence of active seizures may decrease in adulthood but that the prevalence of movement disorders such as tremors and nonepileptic myoclonus may increase. Anxiety increases significantly as individuals age whille defiant behaviours appear to decrease. Sleep dysfunction typically improves as compared to childhood but remains a signifcant issue for many adults. Gastrointestinal dysfunction and orthopaedic/mobility issues (e.g. scoliosis and bone density) and ophthalmological disorders also require monitoring into adulthood.

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